
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bold choices x Bravery

I just got out of a job that I really loved and left it for something that I have no experience of. 
If you ask me, “how’s that choice working for you?”

I’d say I’d rather live a life of courage than comfort.
I’d say I would rather try than not.
I’d say go on, life is only limited when you set it to be.
I’d say I can be better, I can have better.
I’d say change is something inevitable. No one is ever secure.
I’d say love yourself enough to chase your dreams and jump into the unknown.
I’d say take heart, have faith and go on.

Yes, you can do it! Leave your comfort zone. 
For Comfort lies in the spirit of you being yourself and loving every piece of it.

Surrender to your greatness!
Plunge into Love
Celebrate Life!


  1. It is always fun to brave yourself in setting the bar higher every now and then. Comfort zone is becoming too comfort already which makes it speaks for itself redundant. Kudos for being a bold. Continue whiping!

  2. Wow Lucille! I hope this all works out for you!! :) Congrats!
